Further Information


Dove Green Private School Uniform Code

The aim of the Dove Green Private School Uniform Code is for students to present a neat appearance, while feeling comfortable in what they wear. All items of uniform, bags, towels etc. must be clearly marked with the student’s name either in permanent marker or, preferably, by means of sewn-on name tapes.


The term ‘regulation footwear’ is defined as practical black shoes designed specifically with school wear in mind. The shoe should be fastened by laces or velcro or can be slip -on. Ballet pumps or trainer type shoes are not permitted.

Term Dates

The academic year is spread over 3 terms: September to December, January to March and April to June – dates of the terms are published in the academic calendarcalendar.

Timings of the School Day

FS1 and FS2 : 7:40 AM – 2.00 PM
ECAs : 2.00 PM – 2.50 PM

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2  : 7:40 AM – 2.50 PM
ECAs : 2.50 PM – 3.40 PM

Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4  : 7:40 AM – 3.00 PM
ECAs : 3.00 PM – 3.40 PM

Friday (Whole school)
FS1 – KS4 : 7:40 – 11:40 AM

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Transport is available from a number of locations. To know more about the transport services offered and costs please contact the Admissions Office.


Dove Green Private School offers traditional dining and traditional school meals. Children sit at dining tables with their teachers and friends and are taught and expected to display good table manners, talking quietly to their friends and enjoying the eating experience.

Policies & Handbooks

In addition to the relevant policies given below, the school has a comprehensive bank of policies. These are available upon request.

Parents’ Terms and Conditions

Dove Green Private School’s Term and Conditions form the basis of a legal contract for educational services. The Terms and Conditions are intended to promote the education and welfare of each pupil and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing and development of the school. When a place is offered, as part of the offer, parents are asked to sign agreeing that they have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions. Parents are also asked to sign each year on re-registration during the spring term.

From time to time the school may make revisions to the Terms and Conditions. Parents will be informed of any changes.

For a copy of the Dove Green Private School Parents Terms & Conditions please contact the Admissions Office

School Clinic

There is a doctor and a qualified nurse available during school hours in the clinic.

Admission Enquiry
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