

As Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) at Dove Green School, it is our role to ensure that students feel safe and secure in the school environment.

It is also our role to ensure that all students are listened to when things aren’t going so well in school and at home, and that we take the appropriate actions dictated by the school and UAE law in response.

We are also available to speak confidentially with parents who may have concerns about the wellbeing and safety of their children and can provide access to routes of support that may be needed.

Mr Frearson and myself have completed Level 3 Safeguarding training provided by the Safeguarding Alliance, and Miss Buckly has been trained to Level 2.  All staff are safeguarding trained to Level 1 at the start of each academic year.

For further information regarding the laws in the UAE please follow the links below;

Federal Law No. 3 of 2016 concerning child rights, also known as Wadeema’s Law (PDF, 250 KB), stresses that all children must be provided with appropriate living standards, access to health services, education, equal opportunities in essential services and facilities without any kind of discrimination. The law protects children against all forms of negligence, exploitation, physical and psychological abuses.

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