

 Safeguarding at Dove Green Private School 

At Dove Green Private School, keeping our children safe is our highest priority. We are committed to creating a secure, nurturing environment where every child feels valued, protected, and heard. Safeguarding is a shared responsibility, and we believe that every member of our school community—students, parents, and staff—has a vital role to play in ensuring our children’s safety and wellbeing. 

Our safeguarding practices align with the highest international standards, following the UK Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 guidance and UAE Federal Law No. 3 of 2016 (Wadeema’s Law). These frameworks ensure we protect every child from neglect, exploitation, and abuse while upholding their rights to education, healthcare, and equality. 

Our Safeguarding Team  

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) work closely with all departments to act on concerns and support our students and families: 

  • Mrs. Parums (Primary Principal) and Miss McCombs (Assistant Primary Principal): Whole-school Lead DSLs trained to Level 3. 
  • Miss Lewis (Head of Inclusion) and Mr. Dray (Head of Secondary Student Affairs): Additional DSLs trained to Level 3. 
  • Mr. Cashmore (Digital Learning Lead): Level 2 trained.  
  • Miss Bolivar (School Counsellor): Level 2 trained.

All staff receive Level 1 safeguarding training annually and ongoing refreshers throughout the year. We ensure safeguarding practices are embedded into every aspect of school life—from the classroom to facilities management. 

Support for Parents and Students  

We understand that challenges can arise both at school and home. Our safeguarding team and school counsellor, Miss Mariana Bolivar, are available to speak confidentially with parents and provide access to resources and support services. Students are encouraged to reach out to trusted adults within school if they have concerns, ensuring they feel heard and protected. 

Reporting a Concern  

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact Mrs. Parums directly at We are here to listen, support, and take the appropriate actions to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all children. 

At Dove Green, safeguarding is at the heart of our ethos: Learning Together, Growing Together. Together, we can create a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for every member of our community. 


Admissions Open for the Academic Year 2025-26
Admissions Open for the Academic Year 2025-26
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