
‘Leaders are effective in establishing a positive and inclusive learning environment.’ 
‘One of the best features of the school…The welcoming and inclusive environment for students of determination.’ 
‘Parents are highly appreciative of the school’s inclusive and community ethos.’ 

KHDA Inspection Report 2020

Inclusion at Dove Green


Dove Green Private school prides itself on being an inclusive school, where all students feel that they are truly part of the school community. 
Inclusion is at the centre of Dove Green School’s vision for all of our students. We make this a reality prior to entry with a supportive and personal assessment process which allows for open and honest discussions about the needs of students, whilst respecting all abilities and backgrounds. 

Additional Educational Needs 

Once in school, established processes are followed using a graduated approach to identify students who may require additional support. We offer a mainstream curriculum with additional support, differentiation, personalisation and adaptation in response to the individual needs of the student.  

Our well-trained staff continually work to towards providing an inclusive environment for each child, ensuring that academic, emotional social and physical needs are met by removing any identified barriers to learning.   

Students of Determination 
Students who have an identified special educational need/ barrier to learning, will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) devised specifically for them, which sets achievable and measurable targets that assist with removing those barriers, and support their progress towards age related expectations. These are reviewed termly and new targets are set with the involvement of parents. 
Dove Green School has established links with external providers of specialist therapies and welcomes their involvement in response to student needs. 
All in-school provision is based on the student’s individual needs and is monitored and adapted through review and assessment.  

Gifted and Talented 
Throughout the course of the school year, students may be identified as requiring further challenge with their learning. These students will be identified using continuous monitoring and assessment and provided with challenges matched to their developing skills. 
Again, all in-school provision is based on the student’s individual needs and is monitored and adapted through review and assessment.  

English as an Additional Language 
Provision for students who are new to English is put into place after an initial assessment of needs is established. Following on from this, support will be delivered to enable students to access the curriculum more effectively, initially focusing on essential communication and developing into more subject specific support as understanding and confidence grows. 

Useful Links ​


The Inclusion Team 
Head of Inclusion – Kaylie Lewis

Upper School SENDCo – Lena Gaitanou

Lower School SENDCo – Darin Shahin

EAL LSA – Beverly Banares, Olga Huckin

Inclusion Learning Support assistants – Stephanie Pacturan, Ummehabiba Pathan

Gifted Lead – Nkechi Osakwe

Our support is offered through a variety of means including:

  • In class support from our learning support teacher and/or learning support assistants 
  • Teacher intervention plans 
  • Phonics interventions 
  • English interventions 
  • Maths interventions 
  • Social skills groups 
  • Invitational Extra Curricular activities 
  • Access to pastoral care 
  • Gifted and Talented groups 
  • English as an additional Language support 
Admissions Open for the Academic Year 2025-26
Admissions Open for the Academic Year 2025-26
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